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Why Use a Driving Contract for Teens?

Teen driving contracts can create piece of mind for the parent who usually owns the automobile. The teen should be reminded of the agreement frequently. This will encourage safe driving habits and cut down on the risk of accidents.

Teen driver agreements create a way for parents and teens to come to terms on consequences before they ever get in the car.  Then if a rule or law is broken there is no arguing the consequence - it's in black and white.

Some teen driving contracts address issues such as reckless driving and behavior including the use/influence of drugs or alcohol while driving. These elements in a contract can be "ice-breakers" to discuss other major issues.

If you have a teen who has a history of reckless driving and defiance to rules - there are many products that can be used with a teen driver contract such as monitoring systems, gps tracking, and camera systems. These can be used with the contracts as well.

It is important to give teens a sense of freedom, but they must be informed of the consequences to avoid big "blow-ups".


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